Dominic Regan

Dominic Regan
Professor Regan has been delivering legal training for over 20 years. Sir Rupert Jackson has described him as ‘the authority on all my reforms’. Lord Grabiner KC called him ‘an excellent orator’ and ‘The Times’ law column spoke of him as ‘a costs guru’. He is a qualified Solicitor but talks constantly and does not practice. He is a columnist for ‘New Law Journal’ and writes for every edition of ‘Litigation Funding’ as well as being honorary Special Adviser to the Association of Costs Lawyers. Above all else he is wine critic for ‘Counsel’ magazine and head of the Frenkel Topping Knowledge hub.

Dominic's upcoming events

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Alternative Dispute Resolution - Latest Update with Dominic Regan - Learn Live

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New Fixed Costs Amendments & Extensions - Where Are We Now? - Learn Live

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Seventeenth Annual CPR Review of the Year with Dominic Regan - Seminar

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10 Problem Areas in Civil Litigation - Live with Dominic Regan - Learn Live

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Pleading & Proving Your Case - Law & Tactics with Dominic Regan - Webinar

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